Sunday, May 20, 2007

dublin castle part deux

as the green zone becomes dangerous, the government knows less and less of what is going on in the country:
  • A second problem is that by necessity Iraqi government officials are surrounded by thicker and thicker blankets of security where they operate, within the strange menagerie of the Green Zone. That prevents them from making their own observations of life in the rest of Baghdad, said Laith Kubba, who was the spokesman for Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari until Mr. Jaafari left office in early 2006.
  • “The gap has gone too wide,” Mr. Kubba said. “Many of those people have insulated themselves from what’s out on the streets.” ("In the Heat of Battle and Politics, the Hard Facts Melt," By JAMES GLANZ, May 20, 2007, New York Times)
perhaps the saigon embassy (above
, 1970) is the operative comparison (baghdad embassy in construction above)?

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